Welcome to the 2014 INQUA-SEQS Meeting
The Quaternary of the Urals: Global trends and Pan-European Quaternary records
10-16th September 2014, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Global climatic and environmental changes during the Quaternary Epoch (2.6 Ma) are reflected in a wide range of geological and palaeontological records at different spatial and temporal scales. Based on the results of local and regional Quaternary studies the meeting will focus on Quaternary stratigraphical correlations across the Europe. In addition, the integration of pan-European and pan-Eurasian stratigraphical frameworks will be discussed.
Every year, the INQUA Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy (INQUA-SEQS) organizes the meetings of the Quaternary researchers from all over the Europe to exchange the latest research results and develop new projects for the years to come. In 2014, the annual meeting will focus on the Quaternary biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Urals, the boundary region between European and Asian parts of the Eurasian continent. The Meeting programme will include 2 days of scientific talks and poster sessions, and several days of field trips. During the associated field trips unique sites at both the European and Asian sides of the Middle and Southern Urals will be visited (karst and granite caves and grottos, peat bogs, outcrops and quarries). The exposed stratigraphical sequences encompass the time span from the Early Pleistocene to Holocene. The sites are relevant for the expression of the Quaternary trends in the geological and palaeontological records.